Controversial aspects of the confession required by the non-prosecution agreement
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Non-prosecution agreement, Confession, Prohibition of self-incriminationAbstract
This paper examines the non-prosecution agreement recently introduced in the Brazilian criminal process through law 13.964/19. In reason of its importance due to the number of criminal offenses lodged, the requirement for formal and detailed confession provided for in the provision should be concerned, given that this requirement results in prejudice to the investigated both in the criminal sphere and in the other areas of the law. Therefore, through a bibliographic review on the subject and considering the controversies and negative aspects of the investigated and/or accused right of defense, it is concluded that the confession must be understood as a mere formality, without any possibility of use as incriminating evidence in any sphere to the detriment of the accused or to support the filing of the complaint or justification for the criminal guilt.
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