Who is afraid of the Guarantee Judge? An analysis about real obstacles to the acusatory system
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Judge of guarantees, Accusatory system, Constitution, Law 13964/2019Abstract
This article seeks to deal with the so-called guarantees judge, a measure instituted through Law 13.964/2019 and its importance for the real effectiveness of the accusatory system in the Brazilian legal system. In this sense, considering the decisions of Ministers Dias Toffoli and Luiz Fux in ADI 6299 MC/DF and the current situation of suspension of the application of this and other institutes, the question raised is whether the resistance to implantation to the judge of guarantees is due to the difficulty of overcoming of an inquisitorial system in Brazil. The analysis of the theme goes through a brief discussion about the content of the mentioned decisions, in the light of the guaranteeist perspective of Ferrajoli and of Brazilian proceduralists, who indicate that the arguments against the measure stem from a difficulty in understanding what the accusatory system really consists of and as this is a requirement of the Federal Constitution.
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