The judiciary's anti-manicomial policy: resolution CNJ 487/2023 and the adequacy of security measures to legality and human dignity

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  • IBCCRIM Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - IBCCRIM - São Paulo/SP


Política antimanicomial, Resolução CNJ 487/2023, Dignidade humana


The IBCCRIM, in an editorial of its Bulletin 294, May 2017, entitled "For the definitive extinction of the houses of horrors", pointed to the urgency of complying with law 10.216/2001 (Law of Psychiatric Reform) in the field of security measures. Based on successful experiences, such as the Program of Integral Attention to the Insane Offender (PAILI), in Goiás, in that opportunity, we expressed our long-standing institutional position in favor of the Anti-Homicomial Policy:

It is more than urgent the closing of the Judicial Jails and the reorientation of the security measures for care by the SUS, with the internment being restricted to the needs of the clinical case, upon evaluation by a multiprofessional team and a medical report. The insane asylums, named as hospitals of custody and psychiatric treatment by LEP and by the Penal Code, are asylum institutions, prohibited by Law 10.216/2001, of later effectiveness. In other words, they are illegal institutions, where unbridled medicalization and segregation serve no purpose other than the complete destruction of the patient's dignity.


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Author Biography

IBCCRIM, Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - IBCCRIM - São Paulo/SP

Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - IBCCRIM - São Paulo/SP


Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais - IBCCRIM



How to Cite

IBCCRIM. (2023). The judiciary’s anti-manicomial policy: resolution CNJ 487/2023 and the adequacy of security measures to legality and human dignity. Boletim IBCCRIM, 31(367). Retrieved from


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